The new Dead Space remake definitely brings up the age old question. Is buying a game from E.A. tolerable? Well, I don’t really know the answer to that, I don’t work at E.A. and I’ve only heard stories second hand. So I’m not exactly qualified to make those decisions. However it makes me wonder what could possibly be done on the consumer level to try and curb some undesirable behavior from the companies producing games. Social campaigns tend to go nowhere when it comes to the game industry. It’s like an armored bunker where they can say or do whatever they want, and pretty much just get away it. So of course you would think the way to make an impact would be to hit them where it hurts, right in the wallets!
Well, I don’t know if you know this, but if there is one industry that is immune to boycotts then it’s most definitely the game industry. It’s not that treating your employees like crap or nickel and diming your customers through micro transactions is considered reasonable, it’s just that people who play games typically do so in the privacy of their own home. And even more so, with people they have never met in real life. Who cares if you support a shitty company so long as there is no public shame in doing so? Well not us! Now that’s not to say the outrage doesn’t occur, sure people threaten to not buy games from a company all the time. But as to whether that effects a company’s bottom line? Not much…
Now does that mean that I should be more conscious about my choices when deciding who to spend my money with? Maybe. But will I? I mean… maybe after Dead Space…But if they do Dead Space 2 remake I’ll have to play that one too. And Diablo 4 is looking pretty good. Crap…
So is the Dead Space remake worth the money? Oh hell yeah. Actually it’s one of the few games that people are pretty universally behind. Almost any review you see will tell you that Dead Space is the best thing to come out of E.A. since Dead Space 2, which sounds backwards, but no, it checks out.
I think pretty much everyone is going to like this game so long as it’s not too extreme for them. Luckily, I’ve devised a simple litmus test for whether or not you are going to like the game. Just read this question “Do you sometimes fantasize about cutting your coworker’s limbs off?” If you giggled, you’ll like this game. And if you answered “Yes” then you’ll like this game maybe a little too much. But if that question horrified you, then go play something else. See, wasn’t that easy?